Community Update 3/23/2020
Residents of 1717 Ala Wai:
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, the health and safety of our community and staff remains our top priority. According to the CDC, social distancing and increased vigilance in the areas of housekeeping continue to be our best defense against the virus.
The following changes will be put in place immediately, effective today:
Social Distancing guidelines are in place for our staff.
· We have directed staff to limit interactions with others so that there are not more than two staff members in any one place at a time.
· Where possible, we have asked our staff to work from home or from remote locations in the building.
· All Board meetings and Staff meetings will be held via online video conference.
The Office will be available by “appointment only”.
· Please call the Office at 808.946.9160 for an appointment, as opposed to stopping by in person.
· After hours, please call Security at 808.941.7433 for assistance.
The Recreation Deck, Pool, and Fitness Center will be closed for the foreseeable future.
· We understand that this is an important part of our community, and the decision to close it was not made lightly.
The Recycling program has been temporally suspended.
· This allows our staff more time for cleaning and sanitizing the common areas of the building.
· We are working to create an area for residents to bring their recycling down on their own, if they chose.
We have adjusted the staff schedule to allow for increased cleaning and sanitizing.
· In order to accomplish this increased service level, we are temporarily suspending project work, such as painting, in the building.
· The elevator buttons and door operators in the lobby will be wiped down hourly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
· We have increased Housekeeping service hours in the building to 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Priority will be given to the Lobby, Trash Rooms, and other common areas that are highly trafficked.
As we all continue to navigate the changes our community faces these next months, please continue to be patient and support each other as we move forward. We each can do our part in preventing the spread of this virus by:
· Avoiding contact with sick people
· Washing our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
· Avoid touching our eyes, nose, and mouth, especially with unwashed hands
· Limiting the number of “outsiders” in our building (non-emergency contractors, visitors/guests, other service providers).
Mahalo for your kokua.
1717 Ala Wai Management Team
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